Change your life (and your health) for the better: a workshop with Dan Miller

Are you living the best version of yourself?

Being productive and performing at your best starts with a healthy foundation. For busy executives, it can be challenging to prioritize health when juggling so many other demands. Now is your chance to get on the path to a better way of life, and here is how.

Promote your health and enhance your work

Join me at my June Vistage CEO and key executive breakfast workshop, and hear from  internationally renowned nutrition and fitness expert, Dan Miller. Dan will demystify the health and wellness space, showing participants how to live better, faster, stronger, healthier and hopefully, longer lives by investing only 4 hours per week.

His presentation, How to be a Happy, Healthy Human (Ultra-Human), identifies the top six aspects of health, wellness and longevity, explains how they are affecting our current level of health, and demonstrates easy-to-implement actions to help the body and brain perform at above optimum levels.

After this workshop, you’ll walk away with specific action items to immediately implement in your life and your work space. By following his program, you will experience greater productivity, weight loss, lower systemic inflammation, greater creativity, increased learning, increased neuroplasticity, lessened disease risks and increased vitality.

This is a free event, so there’s excuse for not attending!

Workshop details:

There are multiple dates available, so please choose the one that works best for your schedule.

Title: How to be a Happy, Healthy Human (Ultra-Human)

Date: June 4, 5, 6 or 7

Time: 7:30am – Noon

Location: Seattle

Contact my Assistant Rachel Heimnick, at, to reserve your spot at this life-changing presentation.

In addition to hearing from this Certified Nutrition Coach (and 2018 Vistage Speaker of the Year), you will get the opportunity to experience a monthly Vistage peer advisory board, and network with other local executives.

I look forward to seeing you in June and helping to change your life for the better.

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